Saturday, December 30, 2006

December 30, 2006.

8am kickoff with a call from Sicily. After a 15 year absence from North America my father has forgotten the 6 hour sleep grace with the same 'abandon' (no pun intended) whenever the parental urge to connect after 30 years of absence takes over. Nonetheless it was all to congratulate me on the anniversary of the day of my birth. I think he was there or something...

Saddam Hussein was hanged at 9am. He appeared poised and stoic before stepping up to the gallows. Much as I know he is a bad guy´s bad guy, a despicable demagogue who inflicted decades of torture and havoc on his own people, there is still that grain of . that does not sit well with me. Killing people to prove that killing people is wrong as modern history watches dozens of despots eke out but for a tribunal here and exiling there. Milosevic, Pinochet, Idi Amin come to mind.
Pavlina put it best, 'Kill him. Everybody forgets. Keep him alive and the lessons to be learned from his treachery live on.'

Almost simultaneously a car bomb exploded in Madrid's T4 terminal at Barajas Airport. Before taking responsibility for the explosion, Basque terrorist group ETA warned Aena to evacuate the terminal in preparation for the Big Bang. President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is stuck wiping egg off his face with the ink barely dry on the permanent ceasefire he negotiated with ETA in March 2006.

Needless to say Antonio and I had much to talk about at my birthday dinner at Lee. Way cool ambience, as we slurped scotch and munched our way through succulent black cod, braised beef, minty lamb, crispy frites and Asian slaw. Susur even passed our table to wish me many returns.

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