Sunday, March 18, 2007

In Kandahar Fields

Am basking in one of those glorious sunbeams that make it look like God is here for breakfast. Maybe she is...Can't wait to see my friend Tamar after her 6 month tour of duty in Kandahar. Her parents are hosting a brunch this morning for the leagues of family, friends, and well-wishers itching for her embrace before her return to CFB Petawawa. This photo is of Corporal Freeman at the Village Medical Outreach in Kandahar province receiving thanks from a local woman she has just helped, the only medical care Afghani women are likely to receive.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

In Pan's Labyrinth, a young girl creates a fantasy world to escape the horrors of post Civil War Spain. Guillermo Del Toro's formidable flick splices Ofelia's fairyland and the harsh realities of Franco's fascist post war regime. The film struck several cords:

  • Alex Angulo's exquisite portrayl of Doctor Ferreiro. Antonio and I chatted over canas with Angulo in Cantabria in 2002. We dined at the same sidreria and spent 3 days bumping into one another all over Oviedo's historic quarter.

  • Even after 60 years, the Civil War remains an open wound for many Spaniards. The forests' Republican resisters brought back memories of friends and family who survived the Blue Coats' expert torture techniques.
  • Although filmed at El Espinar in Segovia, the film is set near Jaca in the Pyrenees of Aragon where we vacationed in 2002.
  • Ofelia is portrayed by actress Ivana Baquero. Ironic, no?

Antonio's turn to pick and as his tastes bend in favour of schlocky action films, I was not inclined to trust him on his hunch. I made a vow with myself to boycott films of graphic torture, but after consultation with Richard to go in with an open mind and let the film carry me, I caved. Well worth it for perpetual bad guy Sergei Lopez (remember him in Dirty Pretty Things?), Maribel Verdu's stoic portrayl of Republican infiltrator Mercedes, and Javier Navarette's outstanding score. Mental note to run out and get the soundtrack.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Let the Sunshine in!

Yipeee!!! Day 2 of March Break and hardly tropical but at 5 degrees, I'll take what I can get. Today we sprang forward into spring 3 weeks earlier to bank on natural sunlight in an age of energy conservation. (Not a bad idea Mr. Bush!). I am staring out my office window at blinding sunlight and confirm the findings in yesterday's Globe, that people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (ie. winter depression due to lack of sun, SAD, how ironic?) are immediately boosted by a few rays in early spring. Prevalent in rainy, cloudy, overcast cities with mild winters (take that Vancouver and Seattle!) I suspect the affects of SAD are wearing off as my husband is a different man today.

Brunch at River and then a foray into the world of Toronto antiquing in our quest for a hutch and dining room chairs and perhaps a trip to Home Depot for baseboards in a half baked attempt to do something about the dungeon we call a basement.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Saturday Night Fever!

Started the evening out in the company of Julio Fernandez Torrejon, Consul General of Spain at the Fiesta de Andalucia. A far cry from Seville at feriatime but pleasurable nonetheless. Fresh from a post in Vienna, and in the since August, Torrejon represents the interest of the 3800 Spaniards that encompass his jurisdiction from Ottawa to Vancouver. Julio and I chatted amicably over a lovely dinner of empanadas, pinchos morunos, and seafood paella preceded by flamenco and gitaneo. Antonio and I chuckled silently when we were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Wines (pronounced Weens) to the crowd of 300 Andalusian expats.

We skipped out after dessert to hit the Orbit Room in celebartion of the 40th anniversary of our good friend Daryl's birth. Founded by Rush guitartist Alex Lifeson in 1994, The Orbit grooved it large with special guests, the A Team and their stew of phenomenal 70s disco, funky, and R&B. We donned Tshirts of Daryl dressed to the 9s in a brown 3 piece suit for his first school dance in 1980, got jiggedy with former House Speaker and Minister of Environment and Energy Chris Stockwell and 2 drag queens, and slurped scotch and sodas until 4am.