The marathon began at 3pm with the E! Countdown to the Oscars. Lamo commentary by C-listers marking their turf in front of La Cantina and Republik. E! host Debbie Matenopoulos needed a sandwich and someone should have put Jennifer Holliday out of her 80s has-been misery! OHMIGOD! Despite her Tony win for the birthing of Effie in the Broadway run of Dreamgirls, Holliday was a sorry sight of backfat warbling painfully to the street from the rooftop of the Roosevelt hotel.
All in all a very adequate Academy Awards. Lack of umph due in large part to host Ellen DeGeneres. TV might be her medium but she is intimidated by the big F film crowd and it shows. Although she did manage to recover from a couple of hits with the dummy stick (ie. Penelope Cruz from Mexico?) give me Billy Crystal or Jon Stewart any day.
Gotta admit I prefer it this way but there was no Big Sweep that marched in and took over. If I had to call it I'd say Pan's Labyrinth was the big winner. I was sorry to see Babel walk away empty handed and the unchallenged star of the show was Big Al Gore for his genius in
An Inconvenient Truth. Wish I gave him more credit when he was in power....
2007 trends:
Pick your blue: Midnight (Maggie Gyl) Electric (Emily Blunt). Periwinkle (Jody Foster) Plum (Reese Witherspoon).
Strapless gowns sans bling: Diamonds were relegated to ears and wrists for Rinko Kikuchi, Penelope Cruz, Reese Witherspoon, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt.
Tarzan dress with over the shoulder drapes (Kidman's red cobra, Winslet and Beyonce's green crystals, Gyllehall's black and blue feathers, Blanchett in shimmering smoky grey sequins)
My Pe. Here she is totalement gorge in Chopard diamonds and Versace. Icicle's chance in hell of winning but scores huge points for the fluffy feather dress. She always looks so much better when unattached. She and Reese should go for tapas.
All in all a very adequate Academy Awards. Lack of umph due in large part to host Ellen DeGeneres. TV might be her medium but she is intimidated by the big F film crowd and it shows. Although she did manage to recover from a couple of hits with the dummy stick (ie. Penelope Cruz from Mexico?) give me Billy Crystal or Jon Stewart any day.
Gotta admit I prefer it this way but there was no Big Sweep that marched in and took over. If I had to call it I'd say Pan's Labyrinth was the big winner. I was sorry to see Babel walk away empty handed and the unchallenged star of the show was Big Al Gore for his genius in
An Inconvenient Truth. Wish I gave him more credit when he was in power....
2007 trends:
Pick your blue: Midnight (Maggie Gyl) Electric (Emily Blunt). Periwinkle (Jody Foster) Plum (Reese Witherspoon).
Strapless gowns sans bling: Diamonds were relegated to ears and wrists for Rinko Kikuchi, Penelope Cruz, Reese Witherspoon, Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt.
Tarzan dress with over the shoulder drapes (Kidman's red cobra, Winslet and Beyonce's green crystals, Gyllehall's black and blue feathers, Blanchett in shimmering smoky grey sequins)
My Pe. Here she is totalement gorge in Chopard diamonds and Versace. Icicle's chance in hell of winning but scores huge points for the fluffy feather dress. She always looks so much better when unattached. She and Reese should go for tapas.
Helen Mirren (always fab in Christian LaCroix). Glad to see an Oscar go to an older woman for a change. Hope I look this good 60+.
Rinko Kikuchi is Stage 1 ESL and charming, graceful, and elegant in black lace and crystals.
Abigail Breslin in perfect pink trimmings for the 10 year-old set.
George Clooney: Even my husband was drooling over his Danny Ocean perfection.
Celine Dion: Quelle surprise! Madame Angelil never looked so good in Vintage Galanos green with matching claw belt and bracelet.
What were they thinking?
Jennifer Hudson is 2007's IT girl. She was supposedly THE woman to dress this year. Shame shame shame on Oscar de La Renta for the hideous Michael Jackson metallic bolero and brown H&M pocket dress! Also, knowing a bit about what to do with big boobs, and maybe it was hell coordinating the wardrobe change but, Jen was gushing out of it while belting it out with her fellow Dreamgirls. Tuck those girls in nice and tight for Pete's sake!
Sally Kirkland always shows up loaded and mauls the interviewers. Her vampire cape almost knocked sexy NewBond Daniel Craig senseless. WTF?
Abigail Breslin in perfect pink trimmings for the 10 year-old set.
George Clooney: Even my husband was drooling over his Danny Ocean perfection.
Celine Dion: Quelle surprise! Madame Angelil never looked so good in Vintage Galanos green with matching claw belt and bracelet.
What were they thinking?
Jennifer Hudson is 2007's IT girl. She was supposedly THE woman to dress this year. Shame shame shame on Oscar de La Renta for the hideous Michael Jackson metallic bolero and brown H&M pocket dress! Also, knowing a bit about what to do with big boobs, and maybe it was hell coordinating the wardrobe change but, Jen was gushing out of it while belting it out with her fellow Dreamgirls. Tuck those girls in nice and tight for Pete's sake!
Sally Kirkland always shows up loaded and mauls the interviewers. Her vampire cape almost knocked sexy NewBond Daniel Craig senseless. WTF?
Cameron Diaz and Rachel Weisz all could have used with a blow out or an up do. The JBF hair is sooooo 1990s. Sheez!
Gael Garcia Bernal. What happened to the QT TT from Motorcycle Diaries? He's dating Natalie Portman (whom I love) so amigo should try parting his hair another way.
Nonna Anne Hathway could have lost the (circa 1986) double bows.
Nonna Anne Hathway could have lost the (circa 1986) double bows.